Positioning, story, and visual design for VC-funded companies

Show why your start-up’s so special

You’re building a great product. Now what? Growth comes from product-market fit - a product meeting an audience who wants it. But who is that audience, and how do you explain to them what’s so great about your product in the first place?

We work with start-up companies to:

  • Show what makes their products special.
  • Connect to their ideal customer. 
  • Differentiate them from their competitors.
  • Position them for growth and success.
  • Scale their marketing and acquisition.

Our tools are words, design, and communications.

Visualisation of the keyword wobbly

A working process tailored to start-ups

Start-ups work fast and nimbly. So do we.

We’ve worked with founders and investors to develop dedicated offerings for venture-backed companies at key stages in their growth.

Visualising AI image by Wes Cox about Artificial General Intelligence

Seed to Series A: Positioning and identity 

A great positioning and identity sticks in people’s minds and communicates PMF. It can even help in the acquisition funnel, helping close deals quicker, drive signups and accelerate word-of-mouth. 

Our fast, fixed-priced product positions your company and makes it look and sound unlike the competition. We’ll deliver:

  • A differentiated core proposition that encapsulates your product-market fit. 
  • Informed by customer insights, product understanding and competitive analysis.
  • Expanded into messaging, tone of voice, leading copy and boilerplates.
  • A memorable visual identity - logo, colour palette, typography, patterns/design system.
  • The core set of usable assets to get this working right away, on platforms like Figma and Canva. 

Takes: 6-8 weeks. Pricing from £40k - contact us to talk details.

Need something more bespoke? Sure - let’s chat.

Beyond Series A: Creative team extension and test and learn

After Series A, how you grow changes. Your initial growth marketing will stop scaling as it did, there are increasing demands from other parts of the business, and new channels are required. We help companies at this stage:

  • Optimise their current strategy, through better creative 
  • Test and learn new channels, efficiently and nimbly, with experts 
  • Extend their team with on-demand creative services as and when needed.

We work efficiently with shared tools, collaborating with clients through products like Slack, Google Drive, and Figma. No disappearing for two weeks, no waiting-until-the-weekly-meeting, and all the focus on delivery.

Beyond this stage, we also help companies pre-IPO and beyond. See our work for Monzo, DeepMind and Abcam.

Visualising AI image by Rose Pilkington depicting Artificial General Intelligence

When do you need us?

Some reasons people get in touch: 

  • Your product is great - but your website looks average 
  • You bootstrapped copy and brand at the beginning, and now you’ve outgrown it 
  • You love talking about your product, but can’t explain it in a single sentence 
  • You’re talking about what your product is, and not why it matters
  • You need to tell future employees your story - but storytelling isn’t your thing
  • What was driving growth last year isn’t driving growth any more 
  • You just need something to look fantastic ahead of the next board meeting/investor round/conference

Let’s go.

Schedule time to chat and we’ll give you our honest advice. If we don’t think we can help you, we won’t sell you a thing you don’t need. If there’s something there, we’re ready to go. Contact us.